Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Between The Pages - Little Book of Writing Romance

Little Book of Writing Romance
By Liz Fielding
Classic Romance Publishing
February 2012

This little book is a primer, an entry level aid for the writer who has a story to tell, but is struggling to get it out of her head and onto paper. To quote the theme song for the movie of Erich Segal’s bestselling book Love Story, “How do you begin…”

Between The Pages of this book, multi-published and award winning author, Liz Fielding, shares her expertise on ‘how to write a compelling opening, deepen conflict, write honest emotion, crisp dialogue, develop the romance, and add a little sizzle’.

Liz’s Little Book of Writing Romance starts with a detailed writing element and then provides examples that clearly illustrate how to master the craft. (I really enjoyed the snippets of stories, which included several of my favourite reads.) Liz then follows up each chapter with summary notes.
This little book covers the basics of writing a romance novel. Chapter one starts the book off perfectly with ‘Grab the reader on the first page’. (This is biggie for me, because if you don’t grab my attention after that first page, you may lose me.) The chapters continue with characterization, conflict, emotion, and viewpoint. All must have’s for a great romance read. Chapter ten was one of my favourites with The Basics...Grammar, Editing, and Submissions. (As a publisher, I’m surprised with how many submissions I receive that have not followed the submissions guidelines and how badly the author’s grammar and punctuation is.)

The Little Book of Writing Romance isn’t bogged down with page after page of information that over-loads the reader’s head. The detailed points and summary notes are easy to follow and great for quick reference. The book states it’s a ‘primer, an entry level aid’, but this Little Book of Writing Romance is also a handy guide for established writers too. I highly recommend this book be on the desk of every romance writer! And as a publisher, I intend to endorse this book when responding to submissions.

Review Rating: 5 Stars

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