Friday, October 16, 2015

The Runaway Daughter

The Runaway Daughter 
By Lauri Robinson
July 2015

From stowaway… 

After years of playing the local gin joint to pay off his father's debts, talented musician Brock Ness has landed a radio gig in Chicago. Now he's on the up-and-up, his next stop is securing the dame of his dreams, Ginger Nightingale… 

…to Chicago celebrity! 

If Brock is headed for fortune and fame, Ginger won't be left behind! She may be the youngest of the Nightingale sisters, but she's old enough to know what she wants. And Brock is right at the top of her wish list!

Between The Pages
Short but enjoyable. A fast-paced story set in the roaring twenties. Brock is the strong male hero who is saddled with the feisty heroine, Ginger. The characters are fun and have steamy chemistry. I wanted the story to be longer in order to dive deeper into the fashion, bootleggers, and gangsters. This is the first story in the Daughters of the Roaring Twenties miniseries. With the rest of the series on my reading list, I can’t wait to read more.

4 Stars

1 comment:

GiniRifkin said...

This sounds so interesting. Haven't read many stories set in the Roaring Twenties. Looks like a good place to start.