Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Writer's Words - Is There Magic in the Everyday World?

Hocus Pocus and All That
Maureen L. Bonatch
Is There Magic in the Everyday World?
When I watch an old movie, or television show I try to imagine what life was like then. The plethora of gadgets and technology we have at our fingertips today weren’t even considered a possibility. Some restricted at bending their imagination may have even considered new amazing technology as inconceivable, or sorcery.

Nowadays, most of us are more accepting of new technology every day. It’s almost expect the unexpected to become part of our lives. Things that we may have never believed were possible in the past, that we may have thought we’d need a little magic to create them, have become part of our daily lives.

My Children Were Amazed
So, it’s possible that we’ve begun to incorporate magic into our everyday world. A few of these are so ingrained into our reality that it’s almost hard to imagine that not too long ago, they may have been considered a fantasy. It takes more and more to impress us and stir the wonder we felt as a child.

My daughters are teenagers now and grew up in this magical time. But as children, I could amaze them with my magical abilities.
• I could slide open the van door with a wave of my hand, and occasionally I might toss in an abracadabra! (As I secretly pushed the key.)
• I had eyes in the back of my head and could tell when they were getting into trouble in the other room. This was so convincing that they searched for my hidden eyes buried under my hair to no avail. (I viewed their reflection on the television screen or the microwave.)
• I had the hotline to Santa, the Easter Bunny and all the magical creatures of our world. It came with the parent handbook. (Don’t I wish there was a parent handbook!)

Now I’m Amazed
As teenager, my daughters, and most people, would find it hard to imagine a world without the technology they’ve grown up with. I find it hard to amaze them anymore, things that may have once been considered sorcery or magic, are expected. Instead I find myself amazed at what magic the world has to offer.
• The way we can instantly connect with people around the world with computers, cellphones or technology in all shapes and sizes. There’s no more busy signal, or waiting for a letter to arrive when there’s email.
• How my phone seems to know where I’m going sometimes and tells me the distance and time to get there without me asking or the GPS that’s now part of almost every car.
• Self-driving cars and gadgets that can mop and vacuum my house are now available. I don’t have either yet, but I know one day I will.

We Want to Believe in Magic
It’s harder to be amazed and wonder if magic might be responsible for something, although I think most of us want to. Even as adults we may still flock to movies and stories about extraordinary people and things. We dress up for Halloween and go to parks that let up suspend belief in the world we live in for a bit and escape into the books that we love.

I think even as we grow and mature that magic doesn’t leave us. It’s is still around us in our everyday world. We just must open our imagination, look a little closer, or when the world gets too serious we can find it in the pages of our favorite book.

What in the World Is Magical to You?

This post was originally published on the Paranormal Romantics Blog

© 2019 Maureen L. Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch grew up in small town Pennsylvania and her love of the four seasons—hockey, biking, sweat pants and hibernation—keeps her there. While immersed in writing or reading paranormal romance and fantasy, she survives on caffeine, wine, music, and laughter. A feisty Shih Tzu keeps her in line.

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