Tuesday, February 26, 2019

New Promotion Offers

We have new promotions available!

#1 New Release Shout Out - To enter, send us your cover, author name, release date, and one-line tag line. The entry has to be within the current month or an upcoming month to be added to the list.

#2 Cover Wars - Want to enter your cover in the war,? All you have to do is send is your cover for the monthly theme. Past or new covers are eligible. Six finalists from the covers entered will be chosen. Those covers will be promoted on our reviewer's BookTube channel. Voting will be done by visitors leaving a comment as to which cover is their favourite. The winner of the cover war will be announcement during a Friday Reads or Weekend Wrap Up video. You can enter more than one cover war, but only enter one cover per month.

#3 Pick of the Month - Send your cover and one-line tag line. We will go through the entries received and choose the entry that grabbed our attention. The book will receive a shout-out during a Friday Reads or Weekend Wrap Up video. If your cover and tag line 'really' grabbed our attention, you receive a request to be added to our reviewer's review schedule. Past or new books are eligible.

#4 Author Interviews - Sign up for a date to be promoted here and on our reviewer's web blog. We'll send you a few questions and at the end, you get to promote your book with a cover, back blurb, and web link.

#5 Video Author Interviews -We are still working on this project to incorporate voice recordings. These author interviews will also be published here and on our reviewer's web blog in text. If interested, let us know and we will add you to the schedule.

#6 Book Trailer - Want your video book trailer spotlighted on our reviewer's channel? Just send us a link to your book trailer on YouTube and we'll review to see if it's a good fit with the channel. If your trailer makes the cut, we will request your video so our reviewer can uploaded it to her channel with a brief intro.

All of these promo opportunities offers you and your book(s) added exposure!

If interested in one or more of these Promotions, contact us using the 'Contact Form' on the right side bar.

"Helping authors get their books in the hands of new readers!"

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