Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A Writer's Words - My Favorite Thing About a New Year

Hocus Pocus and All That
By Maureen L. Bonatch;
My Favorite Thing About a New Year

I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions. Sure, I’ve made them, but all too often they’re the same resolutions and feel more like a ‘to do’ list, or even a ‘things I feel guilty about not doing last year list’. So much that I could label it as things I should’ve done last year—eat healthier, exercise more, spend more time writing etc. etc. Or I should say, ditto from last year.

I’ve tried making detailed lists of steps to reach these goals at the start of the New Year, but instead of motivating me to do more, it simply gave me more to feel guilty about a few months into the year when I realize how far I’d fallen behind. Besides, I’ve come to accept that the motivation and desire to make a change is more important—and effective— than the month of the year.

Paper Calendar of Dreams

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a new year isn’t always resolutions—it’s getting out my new calendar. Sure, I have an online google calendar, and it’s awesome—but it isn’t enough. There’s something about a paper calendar.

When I get my new monthly desk calendar out, the crisp blank pages are waiting for me to make them my own, just like the new year. Each new month waiting to be filled with all the hopes, dreams and goals for the new year.

Life Happens Between the Wrinkled Pages

Life is busy. So much that sometimes the days, months and years seem to blur together. I’ll wonder if something happened this year— or maybe it was the year before. When I pull out the calendar for the year that’s ending, I go through it month by month to write down those special days that reoccur every year such as birthdays and anniversaries. Adding stickers or highlighting so I don’t forget, and to remind me what I have to look forward to when I flip to that new month.

Usually this mundane task inadvertently results in my reflecting on the year. Recalling the challenges, the joys, the memories that were made. To appreciate just how much happened, in addition, or instead of, those recurring failed resolutions.

Because often the best things in life occur in all those little things that happen while we’re focusing on what we think are the big things.

How Do You Reflect on the Passing Year?

*Article previously featured on the Paranormal Romantics Blogspot

© 2021 Maureen L. Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch grew up in small town Pennsylvania and her love of the four seasons—hockey, biking, sweat pants and hibernation—keeps her there. While immersed in writing or reading paranormal romance and fantasy, she survives on caffeine, wine, music, and laughter. A feisty Shih Tzu keeps her in line.

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