Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Writer Wednesday - The Frightening Mind of a Paranormal Writer

Hocus Pocus and All That 
By Maureen L. Bonatch 
The Frightening Mind of a Paranormal Writer
"I can be frightening if I want to. Really. I can." 

October’s here, which can only mean one thing…no, look away from the turkey napkins and Christmas decorations and out to the colorful leaves falling from the trees….that’s right, it’s Fall and Halloween isn’t far behind.

This means a little more to me than raking leaves and gorging on Halloween candy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…throw on a costume and you’re entitled to eat ALL the candy you want. I think they’re supposed to put less calories in the Halloween stuff, don’t quote me on that cause I’m not certain, that’s just my theory and please don’t tell me differently because I figure I’m entitled to the candy because wear a costume everyday— that of being a normal person when in reality—I’m a writer of paranormal.

That’s not a costume you say? Hmmm….have you ever looked closely into the mind of a paranormal writer? Do you really want to go there? Okay, if you can handle the scary stuff and you insist…it’s the result/curse/blessing of an overactive imagination. Some () examples just from today…

• Every single time I pull out a plastic fork from the box and the tongs scrape against each other, I begin to question if I really need to finish the work I was doing because I’m obviously asleep and it’s only moments before I’m pretty darn sure that Freddy Kruger is making his way into my office to begin his reign of terror and I begin to plot if I have any potential methods to evade him or…

• While driving through a dense fog and emerging only to become confused on a route that is generally familiar, I fairly certain that I may have passed through a parallel universe and was eager to see what we’d find. Was it the same year? Or the a different universe all together (I hope if it’s a different world that the snacks waiting would be calorie free)

Okay, I may have digressed some there and I don’t want to frighten you too much…

I must admit, I may have been influenced by my early readings of Stephen King, John Saul, Dean Koontz, JR Tolkien and Anne Rice. I moved to many of these stories after reading my first taste of the paranormal…the Sweet Valley High books. After an intro in each book describing the perfect blonde haired twins with perfect smiles, perfect size six figures, perfect…perfect…perfect…I was all like…wait a minute…these girls can’t be real. Give me some hobbits, vampires and other creatures of the night…now those are real. I know cause I’d often mistaken many a shadow for one (again, I told you, paranormal mind).

Then when television began to embrace the paranormal with shows like The X-Files, Ghost Whisperer, Medium and Charmed drew me in like no other. (I must admit, I might have been influenced slightly for my novella THAT MAGIC MOMENT since I wrote it during a time I may, or may not, have been watching a marathon of the television show Charmed and there is the slightest possibility that I may, or may not, have played the theme song.

I don’t always write, but when I do, it’s a paranormal…

Originally published on Paranormal Romantics Blogspot

© 2021 Maureen L. Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch grew up in small town Pennsylvania and her love of the four seasons—hockey, biking, sweat pants and hibernation—keeps her there. While immersed in writing or reading paranormal romance and fantasy, she survives on caffeine, wine, music, and laughter. A feisty Shih Tzu keeps her in line.

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