Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Writer Wednesday - That’s For The Birds

Hocus Pocus and All That 
By Maureen L. Bonatch 
That’s For The Birds 
Scruff: Facing down a baby bird through the window.

May 4th is Bird Day. Who knew? Not me, but then again, I’ve never considered myself a ‘bird person’. I’m not a bird watcher, even though it’s a popular hobby enjoyed by all ages—or am I? It seems the word is out with the feathered species that they have an uninterested party in the vicinity and they’ve made it their mission to convert me. 

As a child my grandmother always had a pet parakeet, and it was always named Babe. 

That’s right, when one Babe met his or her demise, another Babe would take its place. I have no idea how many Babes there were, it could’ve only been two but since I was young I found the idea of seamlessly replacing a pet a little odd. I was also traumatized by being dive-bombed when she’d let Babe fly around her apartment—and by her story of how Babe liked to perch on her glasses and once fell into her cereal bowl while doing so.

Despite my decision to remain uninterested in the avian species, in the years that I rose long before the sun to write I’d crack my window in the spring when the birds woke. The volume at that time of the year, for that brief time in the morning, is nothing like the rest of the year. It made me feel better to know ‘someone’ else was up with me in the wee hours of the morning.

But, I digress. Back to the bird watching.

The birds around our home seem to really want to ensure that I watch them whether I want to or not.

They’ve come ‘knocking’ on the window a few times in the last few years to torment Scruff. He’s always been fascinated by birds. When they swoop past him on the deck they are one of the only things that causes him to bark rather than just huff. He desperately wants to be their friend and from this visitor, and others, it seems as if the feeling is mutual.

The birds ensure they erect multiple nests crowding so close to our house as if they’re vying for a room inside. We had to remove the wreath from our front door since they always put a nest there and wouldn’t permit anyone to enter or exit without a huge fuss. Last year we had two on the trees near the front porch and one on the back. So far this year, I’ve found there is one right outside our laundry room window when I peered out this morning and got a beady stink eye right back.

They tend to like to sit in the gutter right outside my office where I work all day so they can repeatedly startle me as they swoop in or dangle their tail down from their perch.

So maybe I am being somewhat morphing into a bird watcher as they vie for my attention as I used to do with my Mom by saying, “look at me” while I did cartwheels through the yard. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll have a parakeet named Babe?

Blog previously featured on Paranormal Romantics Blogspot.

Speaking of changes, I have some exciting writing stuff coming soon. Sign up for my newsletter, to hear more about my new Paranormal Cozy Mysteries coming out in a few months! That, or I can do some cartwheels through your yard—although I think the newsletter would be a little less uncomfortable for me now.

© 2022 Maureen L. Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Just a small-town girl, Maureen Bonatch leads a double life. She lives in a magical world as a novelist, and as a nurse leader in reality. Maureen’s first novella was a paranormal romance published when blogs were a new-fangled thing. She’s since changed her focus to writing paranormal cozy mysteries as M.L. Bonatch and urban fantasy as Maureen Bonatch. While she’s not busy writing or doing nurse-things, she’s a mom to her twin daughters, bicycling in the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby, doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, and dancing as much as possible. She believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and that caffeine and wine are essential for survival.

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