Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Between The Pages - The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven

The Wild Rose of the Sea Raven 
Jennifer Ivy Walker 
September 2022

In this dark fairy tale adaptation of a medieval French legend, Issylte must flee the wicked queen, finding shelter with a fairy witch who teaches her the verdant magic of the forest. Fate leads her to the otherworldly realm of the Lady of the Lake and the Elves of Avalon, where she must choose between her life as a healer or fight to save her ravaged kingdom. 

Tristan of Lyonesse is a Knight of the Round Table who must overcome the horrors of his past and defend his king or lose everything. When he becomes a warrior of the Tribe of Dana, a gift of Druidic magic might hold the key he seeks. 

Haunted and hunted. Entwined by fate. Can their passion and power prevail? 

Between The Pages 
This medieval, Viking, historical adventure mixes a bit of Cinderella, Snow White, and fairies. The author quickly captivates the reader into magical forests and strong warriors. For the most part, the book tells the tale of a few stories from the voices of Issylte, Tristan, as well as the wicked stepmother. You’ll follow Issylte’s and Tristan’s journey, waiting anxiously for them to finally meet. Ms. Walker has a solid descriptive voice that places you into the forest as though you were walking along side the characters, seeing the view as they do. Though I was tad disappointed the story is a happy-for-now than a happy-ever-after, the plot line is well-developed. The ending leaves you wanting more and looking forward to the next book in the series where you’ll revisit characters you’ve grown to like, as well as hoping for the demise of the characters you dislike. 

4.5 Stars

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