Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Writer Wednesday - The Care and Feeding of An Author

Hocus Pocus and All That 
By Maureen L. Bonatch 
The Care and Feeding of An Author 
Happy National Novel Writing Month? What? Never heard of NaNoWriMo?! It’s like a major holiday for me…well, one that lasts for a month while all kinds of people make a goal of writing 50,000 words during the month of November. 

I’ve been an author for years now, but I still always read the biography when I come across an author new to me. I love to experience that magical moment when they wrote that first story, or when they signed their first contract. Someone looking in from the outside might think that it happened overnight. But for the most part, that is the end result of many nights, many mornings and hours of solitude… 

No One Cares About Your Book—Like You Do
You love your characters and your stories and you want to tell everyone about them. Don’t be offended if they don’t get as excited as you, or if they don’t seem to care. Because it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you have a passion for your story. That passion and drive will help you succeed.

Hold onto that love and passion when your story becomes a book out in the world and you get an unsavory review, or if some friends or family don’t buy it. Network and join author groups to gain support, discover a critique partner, get advice from other authors and learn from each other.

Everyone is Writing a Book
Prepare yourself to smile and nod. Instead of enthusiasm for your book, others—many others— seem to minimize the blood, sweat and tears you invested for a year, or years writing your book. They tell you that they, too, would write a book, when they have the time. You know that there’s never any extra time. You carved out the time by sleeping less and giving up activities with family and friends and making writing a priority.

You’re going to get a lot of unsolicited advice—take it with a grain of salt, but ignore most of it, and follow your heart. If you need guidance seek out authors you admire, but still realize that what worked for them might not work for you. Just like your book, you’re crafting your own story as an author and every writer’s journey is different.

Family Matters
You envisioned long days blissfully immersed in your writing. You might have some of those days, but many days it will be a struggle to snag a minute of that time. Writing takes a lot of time and energy. You realize that, but your family doesn’t. They don’t see the writing progress you’re making, and sometimes they don’t seem to care. They only notice that the laundry isn’t done, or there’s no dinner, or they act as if you’re neglecting them. It’s about crafting a balance. Taking a break now and then will make you a better writer in the long run, because living adds life to your stories.

It’s Not All About The Book
Becoming an author comes with obligations regarding marketing and developing your online presence which can take a lot of your time. Be prepared to become familiar with social media—whether you like it or not. Therefore, choose platforms that you prefer and focus on them. You don’t need to be on every media. It’s better to do a few well than do many poorly due to an inability, or a lack of the desire, to keep up with them.

Take Care of Yourself
Many people claim to have the desire to write a book, but not everyone embarks on that fabulous journey. You’re willing to sacrifice all of your time to succeed—don’t. You need that balance, and you need to take care of yourself. Long hours of sitting aren’t good for your body.

• Incorporate exercise or yoga in your day, take a walk or consider a treadmill desk (or a DIY one)
• Don’t let “book butt” be the price you pay for writing, make healthy eating a priority.
• It’s okay to get up early, or stay up late to write, but make sure you get adequate sleep
• Make time for family and friends. If it’s hard to tear yourself away from writing, consider it as research for body language or describing physical characteristics

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint – Enjoy the Journey
Congratulations, Author!

Post originally published on the

© 2022 Maureen Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and caffeine and wine are essential for survival. When she’s not doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, she’s a mom to twin daughters, exploring the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby and dancing as much as possible. She writes paranormal cozy mysteries as M.L. Bonatch, paranormal romance and other genres as Maureen Bonatch, and her latest urban fantasy will be as Amber Wrath.

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