Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Writer Wednesday - When Fiction and Reality Become One

Hocus Pocus and All That 
By Maureen L. Bonatch 
When Fiction and Reality Become One
Crows lurk around the office where I used to work at the day job. They’d unexpectedly fly at the window and startle me, and others, from working. One day a crow stared me down in the parking lot. Staring. Cawing. 

I had to force a little extra courage in my step as I approached him while he watched me with a narrowed eye. I’d seen him before. Sitting on top of the light posts in the parking lot. Watching. 

When I see him, it makes my skin crawl a little. I’ll glance back to see if he’s still there. He is. If he’s still watching me. He is. He can’t fool me. I know who he is. 

That crow is Randall Flagg. 

Characters That Invade Reality 
If you love Stephen King books, as I do, and especially the book, THE STAND, then you’ll know exactly who I’m talking about. The demonic, evil figure of Randall Flagg appeared not long after the plague in the story. He could disguise himself as a crow—and I’ve never been able to look at a crow the same since. Randall Flagg was a character I loved to hate. A character that has lived on in my mind for years, and I’m not the only one. 

I can mention seeing “Randall Flagg” to people and some of them don’t question it. They nod and don’t even frown, or question my sanity. Because they know who I mean. The character has lived on beyond the book in their minds, and mine, and become part of our reality. To me, I don’t think of him as a character in the book. He’s moved beyond that and stepped from the paper into our world. 

True to Life Characters 
The art of creating a true to life character is something to be admired. It displays an author’s ability to create a character as real to others as it is to them. One that had previously only lived in their thoughts. Randall Flagg has stepped over from fiction to reality so far that he has his own Wikipedia page. So I know it’s not just me keeping a wary eye on any crow that lingers a little too long. 

What Fictional Characters Have Become Part of Your Reality? 

© 2023 Maureen Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and caffeine and wine are essential for survival. When she’s not doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, she’s a mom to twin daughters, exploring the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby and dancing as much as possible. She writes paranormal cozy mysteries as M.L. Bonatch, paranormal romance and other genres as Maureen Bonatch, and her latest urban fantasy will be as Amber Wrath.

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