Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Do You Believe in Meant to Be?

Do You Believe in Meant to Be? 
By Maureen Bonatch 

Love is here to stay all year long. Otherwise our hearts wouldn’t soften at every romance we’ve read, watched—or lived. We wouldn’t covet television romance movies, the ones on the big screen, and those novel characters coming to life in our hearts and minds. 

There are a multitude of methods to get the couple together, but the end result is the same—true love—whether it’s a happily ever after, a happy for now, or having loved and lost. 

What is your favorite way for a first meeting for your hero and heroine?

Chance Encounter or Destiny

Do you believe if something is meant to be? In a story or real life?

My husband and I will celebrate twenty-eight years of marriage in March. Like many unexpected encounters, the day we met might never have occurred without a few twists of fate.

My friend begged me to babysit with her. I reluctantly agreed. After we finished, my friend insisted we quickly stop at the mall. I protested. I dressed for babysitting messy munchkins, not going to the local teenage hotspot—the mall—but I relented.

At the mall, we ran into another girlfriend and her boyfriend. While we chatted, a tall guy caught my eye. I leaned into my friend to whisper my thoughts. Unbeknownst to me, my friend’s boyfriend overheard—and he knew ‘the cute guy’. He promptly went over and told my future husband exactly what I said.

To my mortification, my future hubby walked over and said, “I heard you think I’m cute.” I promptly died of embarrassment on the spot. Since I’m alive to tell this story, I’ve disproved the possibility of dying of embarrassment because if there was ever a time it could happen, that was it.

Tempting Fate

I could’ve refused to go to the mall or fled when my future hubby mortified me with my own words, but I didn’t. I suppose, if we were ‘meant to be’, then I would’ve run into him another time and allowed our fates to intertwine.

Sometimes, it’s nice to believe things are following a predetermined path, but other times, I like to think I’m in more control of my destiny.

Holding Out for A Hero

I have a little more control of my couples in my novels and can throw them together through fate or circumstance.

Witchy Sparks
Carmen and Dylan were thrown together through coincidence—or not. Only you can decide if it was fate.

Witchy Memento
Lucy and Shane were reunited to right a past wrong, but was it fate that brought them back together?

Do You Believe in Fate, or Do You Make Your Own Destiny?

© 2024 Maureen Bonatch All Rights Reserved
Maureen Bonatch believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and caffeine and wine are essential for survival. When she’s not doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, she’s a mom to twin daughters, exploring the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby and dancing as much as possible. She writes paranormal cozy mysteries as M.L. Bonatch, paranormal romance and other genres as Maureen Bonatch, and her latest urban fantasy will be as Amber Wrath.

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