Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Summer’s Not Over Yet!

Don’t Panic - Summer’s Not Over Yet! 
By Kelli A. Wilkins 

Ah, summer. The long, hot days seem like they’ll last forever. But every year, summer flies by in the blink of an eye. How did August get here so fast? 

But don’t worry, there’s still time to make the most of the sunny days ahead. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of the remaining summer season… 

* Did you start the season with a “bucket list” of things to do? Were you planning on visiting friends, hitting the beach, lake, or pool? 

If so, there’s still time to get in some last-minute summer fun. Call up a friend (or two) and schedule a weekend visit, plan an outdoor lunch (or maybe a family picnic), or make plans for friends and/or family to spend a day at the beach or lake. 

You can also host an “end of summer” party. Invite everyone you haven’t seen all summer (or all year) to your house (or a public park) for an end-of-season get-together. Ask people to bring their favorite dishes and desserts, fun games and music, and enjoy! 

If you have a specific celebration coming up, you can use that as an “excuse” to have the party. In my family, we have an August birthday, so everyone is gathering to celebrate and have a BBQ. 

* Have a random adventure! Get off the couch and go somewhere different. 

Summer is a time for relaxing and taking it easy, but you can lounge on the couch and binge-watch your favorite show year-round. Don’t waste a beautiful summer day indoors. Your show (or 500th rerun of Law & Order) will still be there in the cold days of January. 

Take a day trip to a local park or historical site. Visit the zoo or an amusement park. Find a fireworks display. Go to the county fair. If you can’t find something fun in your area, go online and see what activities you can find an hour or so away. 

Most people still have to work in the summer (unless you’re employed by a school or are retired) so how do you incorporate summer fun after work? Here are a few suggestions: 

* Do outdoor hobbies until it gets dark: Ride your bike or walk around your neighborhood or local park. Garden, go fishing, or play sports. 

* Find a free outdoor concert or play (most start around 7 or 7:30pm). Or make your own concert: sit in the back yard with food or drinks and listen to your favorite music. 

* Fire up the grill and cook dinner outside, or pack a picnic dinner and take it to a park, the beach, or a lake. Or, visit a restaurant you’ve never been to before and eat dinner outside. 

Right now you might be asking: “But what if the temperatures are soaring and it’s horribly humid? Who wants to visit a zoo if it’s really hot out?” I understand. Nobody wants to be outside when it’s so hot you’ll catch fire. 
On a sweltering day (or when it’s raining), it’s perfectly fine to hide in the house, but see if you can make the day different. Watch a movie you’ve heard about but have never seen, or try a few episodes of a show a friend recommended. Have an indoor lunch with a friend. Take an in-person class or workshop, experiment with a new dinner recipe, or learn how to make ice cream. 

And really, despite what the calendar says, “summer” doesn’t end on Labor Day Weekend. Depending on where you live (and how early it gets dark) you may be able to enjoy “summer” activities well into September.

No matter what you do, make these last days of summer count. Enjoy! 

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, 8 horror/mystery ebooks and 7 non-fiction books. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror stories. Her newest release Surreal Escapes (a collection of 7 speculative stories) was published in August 2024. Visit her website/blog for a full title list and social media links:

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