Monday, November 16, 2020

Between The Pages - Stranger In The Storm

Stranger In The Storm 
Patricia McAlexander 
June 2020 

After she discovers the abusive side of his personality, Janet Mitchell leaves Jack Dexter, the professor who swept her off her feet. Will she discover the same darkness in Wes, the handsome young man who rescues her during a hurricane? 

Years ago, Wes Corbett vowed not to get romantically involved again, fearing anyone close to him might be harmed by his brother William, a born criminal. Now, as he weathers the storm with Janet, their mutual attraction becomes clear. Can he keep that vow—even though he knows William is on the loose and may be headed directly for them? 

Between The Pages 
A wonderful romance thriller. This story is filled with twists, turns, and suspense. The author presents a well-developed plot with interesting characters and action. While you’ll want to dislike the villain, he’s a vital character in this story, adding family drama and growth for the main characters. The budding relationship between Janet and Wes is sweet and their trust in each other is touching. This book is perfect for a lazy day read when you want to get lost in a story of romance and suspenseful action. 

4.5 Stars

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